Friday 27 March 2015

Short essay about Superstitions

There are many natural events which are said to be due to supernatural forces. This belief in supernatural forces is known as Superstition.

The dictionary definition of superstition is 'credulity regarding the supernatural, irrational fear of the unknown or mysterious, misdirected reverence'. It is not altogether satisfactory, because it fails to lay due emphasis on the disastrous results of superstitious beliefs and practice in the lives of a vast number of people throughout the world -- even today. Superstition can do nothing, but harm. It can destroy the lives of those over whom it gains a stronghold.

If we wear an iron bangle in our right hand, we will not feel afraid or scared (frightened). Even in our sleep we will enjoy peaceful dreams. There will be no disturbance. If a student eats curd or pudding while going to the examination centre, his paper will be easy and his success in the examination will be a sure shot. It is all an idea of a silly mind. No one can reason out. If we try to bring round to our scientific view, the people will give a hearty laugh making us an ass. We will have to cut a sorry figure. In our heart of hearts we know that we are cent-per-cent correct, but we lack the courage to stick to our guns.

Today we have learnt the scientific explanations for many natural events. But we are yet not free from the chains of superstitions.

 Superstition is no more than eccentricity -- at worst, a dangerous threat to serene and untrammeled living. Most of it belongs to our dim ancestry, and as the human race evolves, so will superstition decrease, and, in the end, disappear.


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