Tuesday 17 March 2015

Short Essay about the need for alternative sources of energy

It is hard to live without energy, but it is impossible to find another planet to live in. Energy is everything. It comes in many forms.
Alternative energy is any energy source that is an alternative to fossil fuel. These alternatives are intended to address concerns about such fossil fuels.

In a general sense, alternative energy as it is currently conceived, is that which is produced or recovered without the undesirable consequences inherent in fossil fuel use, particularly high carbon dioxide emissions, an important factor in global warming.

From environmental prospective solar power is the best alternative source of energy. It is the light and the heat from the sun which is harnessed to generate power. It is created by converting the sun rays into electricity using solar panels.

Wind power is one of the oldest forms of energy that benefited mankind so greatly. It is the use of the wind power to produce electricity.
Geothermal energy is one of the main sources of alternative energy. It is the heat of the earth, which is continuously produced in the core of the earth. It is very beneficial to the earth and it atmosphere as it doesn't produce any pollution. In this technology, Wells are drilled to pump heated water and steam.

- Energy is what makes the world go around. Without the continuous supply of energy that most of us take for granted, things would quickly come to a stop. We are dependent on energy for our very survival. Heating our homes, transportation, communication, health, even our daily food supply, this all depends on energy. But while energy delivers much that is good, it is also a primary factor, the primary factor.


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