Sunday 16 November 2014

Short biography of Shakespeare

The year 1564 is of great significance in the history of English literature.It saw the birth of one of the greatest master of literature in England-William Shakespeare.He was born to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden in Stratford-on-Avon.As a boy,he was sent to the Stratford Grammar School where he got his primary education.
In 1582,he married 26 year-old Anne Hathaway at the age of 18.It was the time when his literary career,as a poet ,dramatist and actor reached its peak.Soon after they had their first daughter,Susanna.They had another two children but William’s only son Hamnet died aged only 11.
Between 1589 and 1590,William is believed to have written his first play,Henryy viii (part I).The next year ,he completed the second part of the play.He revolutionized English sonnets and successfully staged his plays one after another.As You Like It ,The Merchant Of Venice and Twelfth Night are some of his comedies.Among the tragedies of Shakespeare “Hamlet”, “King Lear”, “Macbeth” and “Othelo” are mention-worthy.His work was full of variety and rich in theme,style and skilful craftsmanship with words.It is generally thought that during the 1590s he wrote majority of his sonnets.Today ,William Shakespeare is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the history of English language.
Although his plays were not published until after his death,they have now been translated into every major World language,and have been performed continuously in community theatres and major performing venues.Hundreds of  “Shakespeare Festival” exist across the World.

On April 23,1616,Shakespeare breathed his last at the age of 52.He was survived by three children Susana,Hamnet and Judith.His burial and his house in Stratford are like pilgrimage for the lovers of literature all over the World.


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